Friday, 23 January 2009

Knowledge Management Life Cycle

The knowledge in a good Knowledgemanagement system is never finished because over time the environment changes the knowledge must be updated to reflect the changes.

Knowledge management life cycle have six steps, they are;

1.Create a knowledge: knowledge is created as people determine new ways of doing things.

2. Capure a knowledge: new knowledge must be identified as a valuable and be represented in a reasonable way.

3. Refine knowledge: new knowledge be placed in context so that can be actionable.

4. Store knowledge: useful knowledge must then be stored in a reasonable format whare the organization going to access.

5. Manage knowledge: Is like a library, the knowledge must be kept current.

6. Disseminate knowledge:knowledge must be useful format to anyone in the organization who need it anywhere any time.

References:Management Information Systems Managing the Ditital Firm,2006, Kenneth C.Laudon, Jane P.Laodon, 10th Edition[accessed on 20th January 2009]


  1. Thank you for your contribution to my blog!! In my point of you life cycle is flexible but the content is same, I think structuring knowledge is the combination of refine and store knowledge.
    lifecycle of KM

  2. This list appears to be from Rose, but the reference is to another source. It is not clear that you are quoting from any source. Please follow Harvard style. Just presenting this list is not enough. You have not put the ideas in an organisational context or given your own position with justification.

    The full details of what I think is the source of this list is:
    Title: Knowledge management metrics
    Author(s): Ranjit Bose
    Journal: Industrial Management & Data Systems
    Year: 2004 Volume: 104 Issue: 6 Page: 457 - 468
    ISSN: 0263-5577
