Friday, 3 April 2009

Article1: Knowledge, can be Manage within the Organisation?

1.1 Introduction:

An organizations competitive advantage mostly depends on its knowledge than anything. Now we will think about the knowledge, if the knowledge is not transferred or not shared to other members of the organization, what will happen to that knowledge? Definitely that knowledge is limited within the certain members of the organization. Think about it? The innovative production is the result of the organization success and sustainability of the competitiveness. The other question arising, how the innovative productivity come to enhance the quality of work? Definitely the answer is knowledge maturity and sharing the knowledge within the group members or organizational members. Sharing the knowledge will create more new ideas and quality of work, therefore the knowledge could be managed within the members in a proper way and this will reflect on the organizations process and the output. Therefore the Knowledge Management is an organizational memory (Laurence Prusak), which will enhance the organization success and the sustainability of competitiveness.

1.2. Criticise with real life situation:
When we think about Middlesex University, its ranking and the quality are in back compared to the best Universities like Oxford, Cambridge, in the UK. My question is why Middlesex University ranking and quality is in back? Definitely I can say that the knowledge is not managed in a proper way within the stakeholders in the University. The sustainability and its success come on its stakeholders. Therefore, each stakeholder plays a supportive role in order to achieve the success to compete with the leading UK Universities. I have identified lack of knowledge transfer in some specific areas such as Learning, teaching, and research, Student’s experiences, Productivity and efficiency, and Technologies and tools.
The next question is how these specific areas were created a backward in the knowledge sharing? The technology and tools such as OASIS plus, Extranet, Intranet, Wiki, Blogger and podcasting etc...Were not apply or not used in a proper way to share and manage the knowledge within the University. Therefore these resources should be used in a proper way to share and manage the knowledge with in the University. I could suggest some examples to enhance the student industrial experiences; the University can maintain a wiki which could be linked with the companies which offer graduate industrial placements. Therefore students will be able to know about the companies and will make a chance to get an industrial placement opportunities making contact through Wiki. And also student can publish their research articles on the Wiki, this will enhance the knowledge to share and manage within the organization. Many organizations use wikis and blogs to share the knowledge and they have already succeeded (Miller 2008).
Establishing corporate libraries would enhance the knowledge of the student as well as academic staff rather than having a separate library, a central library, accessible to all other locations leads to better efficiency because fewer staff resources are used. This will improve the students and staff will collaborate more in gaining knowledge within a centralised placed as opposed to different locations, therefore the intranet resources need to be used in a much efficient manner by improving the productivity of knowledge creation and sharing (Nonaka 1995). The University has an extranet, does not perform all the function in order to support the knowledge sharing, since it has world wide access, extra caution should be taken to limit its accessibility to only university’s critical stakeholders. For example, OASIS plus can be considered as extranet which can be accessed by the students and academic staff from outside the University. If students and staff do not take the advantage of using the existing system up to the maximum, it can be seen as a waste of resources. Instead of using common and classical technologies like E-mail, simple real time knowledge flows such as chat can be used to transfer knowledge among students and academics. Therefore students should be encouraged to collaborate with lectures more effectively. It is also helpful for lectures to enhance their own knowledge in order for them to share good quality knowledgeable students. If the resources will be used in a proper way to share the knowledge within the organization then the knowledge will be managed.

1.3. Conclusion:

Sustainability of the competitiveness, the organization has to share the knowledge within the organization. Therefore, knowledge must be managed within the organization. In order to manage the organizational knowledge for a long term purposes the knowledge should be managed with the support of technology in a proper way. Then the knowledge will be managed within the organization.

1.4. References:
Sarshar, M. 2006. Sharing good practice across construction organisations: The search continues.

Michael H Zack. 1998. If Managing Knowledge is the Solution, then what’s the Problem?
Laurence Prusak. Knowledge Management in Organization

Nonaka.I and H. Takeuchi. 1995. The Knowledge Creating Company: How Japanese Companies Create the Dynamics of Innovation. New York. Oxford University Press.

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